“Comprehensive integration support for legally resident third country nationals”

Budget Donor: EU AMIF Programme within the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior

Duration: 01/07/2019 – 30/09/2021

Leading organization: Caritas Sofia, Partner: CRWB

Beneficiaries: third-country nationals legally residing in the Republic of Bulgaria, including persons seeking and receiving international protection, particularly vulnerable persons, as well as their close relatives.

General objective: The main objective in the project is to build sector capacity and upskill third country nationals (TCNs), supporting them to: integrate successfully; access social and health services, education and employment; develop social and life skills; and actively participate in society. The project also aims to improve attitudes towards TCNs among the host society.

Specific objectives:

TCNs have improved access to social, health and education services and employment;

TCNs have a sustainable ability to live independently and meet their basic needs;

TCNs and the host society interact actively.

Activities: Information provision; education and Bulgarian language classes; employment and labour market integration; social assistance and access to public services; active participation and social inclusion.

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