Direct work programs

What are we fighting for?

Programs for direct work with refugees and asylum seekers

The Council of Refugee Women in Bulgaria supports its beneficiaries through its programs for direct work with refugees and asylum seekers in the areas of Social Mediation and Humanitarian Support.

Social mediation

The program for social mediation gives asylum seekers access to social support.

Humanitarian support

With us, refugees and asylum seekers can get basic things, depending on the situation in which they find themselves.

Social mediation

The social mediators of CRWB are representatives of the Bulgarian and Middle Eastern culture. They speak Bulgarian, Arabic, Farsi and English, undergo mandatory in-service training and follow-up training on a number of topics such as: the humanitarian context of working with people fleeing armed conflict; protection of children at risk; difficulties in social adaptation, measures in cases of domestic violence and gender-based violence; crisis response and development of a security plan and others. Part of the team of social mediators is based in the field, in the regional reception centers of the State Agency for Refugees at the Council of Ministers (SAR at the Council of Ministers) in Sofia.

Through the social mediation program, people seeking protection get the opportunity for direct access to social support in the form of translation and facilitation of communication, accompaniment to government institutions, social counseling and information, covering emergency health and social costs for vulnerable people.

The same support is given to people who have received international protection and settled in Bulgaria. They are assisted in their efforts to adapt to a different and unfamiliar social, health and educational system. Social mediators provide support on cases related to education – enrollment in schools and kindergartens, registration in the health system, social information and access to social services in the community and more.

Humanitarian support

With us, refugees and asylum seekers can receive basic necessities, according to the social situation in which they find themselves. Thanks to our humanitarian program, they have access to regular donations of clothes, shoes, blankets, cosmetics, baby accessories, toys, school supplies, kitchen and household utensils. Through campaigns for collecting specific donations, access to baby milk, porridge and puree, partial furniture, detergents, etc. is also provided. Current needs surveys are conducted regularly so that we can respond to them adequately.

With special priority, the program includes newly arrived asylum seekers, unaccompanied children, as well as people in difficult social, health and economic conditions – separated mothers and fathers, widows, people who have lost loved ones and left alone, large families, adults and children. with severe medical and psychological trauma.

The program is supported by large corporate donors – manufacturers and / or importers, as well as individual donors, people who donate their belongings and funds to help through donation campaigns for CRWB. Both individuals of their own volition and employees of large companies respond to our campaigns as an internal initiative or as part of the CSR of the company with a large corporate donation that covers current needs.

Help us by supporting our cause!

The need has faces, but no nationality. The manner of donation is as important as the act itself. Solidarity only makes sense when emotions are combined with reason and trust is not broken, but preserved and stimulated.