“SAVE – Speak out against violence”, phase II

Budget Donor: UNICEF

Duration: 15/12/2018 – 30/09/2019

Beneficiaries: Refugees and asylum seekers (adults and children)

Objectives: To target cases regarding gender-based violence (GBV) and other types of violence via direct programs (individual support and group awareness raising and GBV prevention activities) for survivors/or persons at risk.

Activities: Social consultations, translation, accompanying; psychotherapeutic help and legal assistance, individualized support (expenses coverage/vulnerability fund) for refugees and asylum seekers. Multidisciplinary meetings for case discussions with relevant specialists and organizations/institutions involved.

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The need has faces, but no nationality. The manner of donation is as important as the act itself. Solidarity only makes sense when emotions are combined with reason and trust is not broken, but preserved and stimulated.

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