“Back to School” Campaign 2022

In midst hot August, it’s time to think again about the upcoming school year and the challenges it brings for the children we work with and for whom integration through education is a particularly important element of normal child development.
The children of refugees and asylum seekers quickly learn the language and manage to adapt to their new environment, thus becoming a kind of a bridge for the adaptation of their entire family. However, this progress is only possible when they attend a Bulgarian school. Our team actively participates in the process of enrolling refugee children into school, while at the same time we try to provide them with the aid and necessities they initially need.
The items students need are the following:
– notebooks: with narrow and wide rows, with small and large squares, small and large format;
– markers, watercolor and tempera paints, pencils, pastels;
– rulers, lines, protractors, pens;
– utilities cases, tracksuits, backpacks, sneakers and sports shoes.
Donations can be made in place or sent by courier to our office at Sofia 1000, 95th “Ekzarh Yosif” str, or visit our humanitarian aid storage at 51st “Iskar” str, in Sofia every Tuesday and Thursday.
Let’s together give children a chance to learn and develop, to dream and to feel like a significant and meaningful part of our society. Thank you to all of our donors for their responsiveness!

Help us by supporting our cause!

The need has faces, but no nationality. The manner of donation is as important as the act itself. Solidarity only makes sense when emotions are combined with reason and trust is not broken, but preserved and stimulated.

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