Caring for pregnant women and their awareness

Caring for pregnant women and their awareness is also a top priority when working with refugees and asylum seekers. In their countries of origin, there is often no good practice of following-up the pregnancy, no record is kept of when the pregnancy has begun or is expected to be due, and there are usually no regular check-ups.

Our social workers conduct info meetings and social consultations with future parents in the direction of preparation for childbirth, raising awareness of post-natal care and children’s health. Such meetings are extremely important, because in addition to information, they bring parents a peace of mind and the confidence that they can successfully cope with the challenges ahead.

The planned activities to improve access to health services are part of the project “Comprehensive Integration Support for Legally Residing Third-country Nationals”, which we implement jointly with the team of Caritas Sofia, and also includes activities related to education, employment and social integration.

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