“SAVE – Speak out against violence”, phase III

Budget Donor: UNICEF BulgariaDuration: 01/11/2019 – 31/12/2021 Beneficiaries: Refugees and asylum seekers (adults and adolescents), as well as community based professionalsObjectives: To target cases regarding gender-based violence (GBV) and other types of violence via direct programs (individul support and group awareness rasining and GBV prevention activities) for survivors/or persons at risk.Activities: Group sessions on gender […]

“Health and Rights”

Budget Donor: UNICEF BulgariaDuration: 01/01/2020 – 31/12/2021 Beneficiaries: Refugee and migrant children (disaggregated by age and sex) and parents; health and other frontline workersObjectives: To support the access to health care services, provision of information and support for better childcare and mother’s health.To ensure the needed medical support for the most vulnerable, including children and […]